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transparency design ethics
ethics + Social impact
An understanding of the ins and outs of ethics are important when evaluating social impact. For designers, ethics are important because they carry the responsibility to create something that fulfills their clients’ desires, while servicing the health and well-being of the general public. Ethics can be defined as “the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct. It includes the study of universal values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment.” Social Impact can be defined as “the effect of an activity on the social fabric of the community and well-being of the individuals and families.” Ethics. WebFinance, Inc. August 08, 2017 <> Ethics in design can be exemplified through the design of traditional public bathrooms, in its binary form of “men’s” and “women’s”. By continuing the traditional restroom designs for both genders, it generates a disservice to everyone. For women, inadequate space (i.e. toilets) results in longer wait times, while for men it prevents fathers from properly assisting their children. Gender differences aside, it also impacts the elderly and toddlers who require assistance to use such spaces, as well as those that belong to the LGBTQ community. Though the subject matter at hand is much deeper than what is written here, this is an example where design plays a critical role in health and well-being of the general public, while supporting the changing social needs.